Data-secure AI for documentation and smart knowledge management!

Your AI software for the public sector Made in Germany:

✅ High-precision & automatic conversation logs with up to 95% accuracy

Automatic conversation summaries & analyses

Analysis and summary of essential text documents

✅ Data processing exclusively in Germany

✅ On-premise installation possible

Gov-Tech Made in Germany

"The processing and documentation of spoken word is even required by law in many public areas - but the processes behind it are sluggish, manual and slow down important decisions as a result. helps to speed up these essential documentation and processing procedures many times over. This brings innovation and transparency to the public sector!"

Nadezhda Filina
Associate - PUBLIC Germany


Our own language AI can be trained to use the language of our customers. This enables us to achieve up to 95% accuracy of the automatic protocols in several languages.

With, automatic summaries can be adapted to the individual types of conversations of our customers (e.g. meetings, negotiations, interviews, etc.).


More than just meeting minutes: the automatic linking of with essential (legal) databases and codes keeps you up to date. You decide which legal areas, national laws, etc. are relevant for you and your organization and should be imported into

Data secure.

Data is only processed in accordance with the guidelines of the individual customer. In addition, we strictly adhere to all GDPR guidelines. Our cloud servers are located in Frankfurt and we guarantee that data is processed exclusively in Germany.

More advantages

Data privacy

Your company data is highly sensitive? We specialise in keeping your information secure. We guarantee that your data does not leave your country and can even install our software on your servers.

Full customisability

Your organisation does not need to change existing workflows. We adapt to your processes and can integrate within your existing systems and software tools. Your team can access your data when and where they need it.

AI experts

We are one phone call away to help you navigate your needs at every stage of the process. No need to employ a full machine-learning engineering team! We focus on understanding your process and helping you superpower your workflow.

Innovation for public institutions

Get a free consultation:

We are happy to advise you on your needs personally and free of charge!

🔎 Personal needs analysis

👾 Personal product consultation

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