Your research data automatically evaluated analyzed!

The AI software for research professionals, Made in Germany:

Automatic evaluation with precise source citations

️ Automatic recording and analysis for qualitative interviews

Data secure via cloud (Hetzner Online GmbH, Germany) or on-premise

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Vertrauen Sie dem Planung & Analyse Newcomer in der Marktforschung 2024!

„Auch in Abgrenzung zu den großen KI-Tools aus USA setzt der sympathische Tucan aus Berlin auf hohe Datensicherheit, auf Präzision statt Allgemeinplätze und auf Referenzierbarkeit, also Transparenz der Quellen.“

Thomas Gruber, Leitung Market Insights & Science, dm Drogerie-Markt

Lots of data, tons of questions? provides the answer!

Automatic evaluation according to target questions. was created to take as much work off your hands as possible. Use our simple analysis interface to interrogate your research data. Enter your target questions and have them answered automatically. You will receive precise source citations for each answer.

Automatic recording of your interviews.

Record your interviews automatically with the bot. It integrates easily with the most common tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Webex or Google Meet. You receive the audio file, a precise transcript and an automatic summary (e.g. according to guideline questions) for each of your conversations.

PS: You can also brand your bot for your company!

Your data security is our top priority! is hosted on cloud servers of the German company Hetzner Online GmbH in Nuremberg. We strictly adhere to GDPR-compliant data processing and security standards so that your company’s data is always secure. can also be installed on-premise on request.

Increase your productivity tenfold!

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